"The greatest use of life is to spend it on something that will outlast it." - William James

Monday, December 27, 2010

A Journey of a Thousand Miles...

Each journey does, as Lao Tzu once claimed, begin with a single step.  My journey began last December, after I had completed a disappointingly mundane practicum that did not provide the practical and rewarding experience of working in a social justice field that I had hoped.  Redemption rested in my final semester of my degree, when my advanced Human Justice practicum would take place.  I began a fervent pursuit to land myself the "perfect" overseas practicum that would offer challenges, a practical learning experience, and more of a global perspective to my degree in Human Justice.  Between term papers and social commitments, I spent the winter semester of my third year searching for such an opportunity.  When none arose, I found myself devoting most of my days off from tree planting this past summer on a laptop that eventually rendered a possible placement after a zealous eight-month search.

In September, I was accepted as a full-time volunteer at a multi-faceted and Christian-based social justice agency - called Foundation For His Ministry - in rural Mexico.  While Mexico was the last country on earth I expected to travel to, I decided to throw caution to the wind and began planning my journey to the remote area along the Baja California peninsula that Foundation For His Ministry (FFHM) was located.  Somewhere between finishing my final semester of classes, my on-campus involvements, hiring tree planters to be on my crew for the upcoming season, and moving out of my apartment, I managed to plan my complex route to Mexico (I decided I would simply have to learn the abridged version of Spanish on the plane, with my time being so consumed elsewhere).

On January 1, 2011, I'll be departing for Mexico from the Regina airport, which has seen me off on numerous other adventures.  But this journey commenced long before my flight.  In some ways, it began even before my exhausting search for a placement that fit my requirements.  It was instigated by a conversation I once had with my sister about switching from majoring in Political Science and History to Human Justice; by my incredible parents who have supported me in all my decisions; by two special friends who, on separate occasions, sincerely told me, "Katie, you can do anything you want to."  So thanks Kristy; thanks Mom & Dad; thanks Sarah & Allison, and everyone else who has supported me in the steps I have taken even just to get to this point of my journey.  I am where I am because of your love and confidence in me.


  1. Katie I am always amazed how you so completely draw me in with your words. Good luck on this journey. You are missed already, and in my prayers.

  2. Katie your preparation, three flights and two delays, should be enough of an adventure, so you can come home now. And we haven't even heard all the travel stories yet.
